Analytics Best Paper Awards & Analytics Venues
Analytics Technical Talks
25-27 September 2015 | "The Promise of Big Data in BioLogos: Digital Technologies for Development"
9 April 2013 | "Big Data to Big Insight for Human Trafficking: Analysis of Adaptation Cycles for Digital Image Deployment on Online Classified Sites"
9-10 September 2014 | "Architecting Resiliency-by-Design: Analytics on Analytics"
9-10 September 2013 | "Finding the Fast Last Piece of the Puzzle, via Network/Relationship Science Analytics: A New Paradigm of Sensemaking for Insider Threat"
Invited Analytics Speaker Roles
@Trieste, Italy
16 March 2017
Invited Speaker: "Quantitative Exactitude and Trust in Measurements: Time Series Baselining of Sensor Telemetry Data"
25 September 2015
Invited Speaker: “The Resiliency Calculus in the Wild West of the IOT”
25 March 2015
Invited Speaker: “How Climate Change Resilience Studies Enhanced Hawaii’s Critical Infrastructure Protection HPC-Assisted Dynamic Fine-Tuning for Analytics on Analytics”
16-27 March 2015
Invited Speaker: “Big Data and IOT Data”
6 February 2014
Invited Speaker: “Humans as Sensors”
@Nice, France
19-24 July 2015
Invited Speaker: "The Value of Data Analytics for Resiliency and Sustainability Efforts"
@Dublin, Ireland
1-6 October 2013
Invited Speaker: "The Future of Cyberpsychology Starts Here: Human Trafficking as Part of the Isomorphic Problem Set for the Keiretsu Cyber Leadership Analysis of Counterfeit Supply Chains Plaguing Health Care"
@Oslo, Norway
5-7 October 2010
Invited Speaker: "Smarter Defence of the Smart Grid - Pervasive Computing is Flooding the Geospatial Grid"
@Stuttgart, Germany
14-17 June 2010
Invited Speaker: "An Open-Source GIS Platform That Supports Point-of-Need Delivery by Addressing Provenance and Providing Supply Chain Event Simulations"
@Manila, Philippines
12-13 July 2016
Invited Speaker: "Electric Grid Monitoring and Big Data Analytics"
@Honolulu, Hawaii
17 June 2016
Invited Speaker: "Winning the Game of Monopoly: Innovation over Specious Business Sophistication in the Indo-Asia-Pacific"
24 February 2015
Invited Speaker: "The Future of National Security Starts Here: Bigger Data, Analytics on Analytics, and Systems of Insights"
@Jakarta, Indonesia
20 November 2014
Invited Speaker: "Pre-Planning for Extreme-Scale Dynamic Supply Chain Events"
@Aspen, Colorado
11-15 July 2015
Invited Speaker: "Future of Biomedical Research; Will Big Data Change Hypothesis-Driven Research"
@Fairfax, Virginia
April 29-30, 2015
Invited Speaker: "Industrial Control Systems - Safer Planet, Smarter Cities, and Smarter Resilience-by-Design Grids"
@Falls Church, VA
February 27, 2012 - March 1, 2012
Invited Speaker: "Network Science as a Public Science"
@Memphis, Tennessee
15 October 2010
Invited Speaker: "High Performance Multiscale Information Visualization Quadrilateralized Spherical Rubrics Cube (QSRC) Platform as a Geospatial Exclusion Mechanism for Cyber Security"
@Cambridge, MA
18 February 2010
Invited Speaker: "[National Leadership Index] NLI Analytics: A Quasi-Dynamic Heat Map Functionality for 'Real-Time' Temporal Spatial Analaysis of the NLI 2009 Report"
@Trinidad & Tobago
24-26 April 2017
Invited Speaker: "Measuring IoT Usage + Projecting IoT Impact on Development"
@Durban, South Africa
15-16 December 2011
Invited Speaker: "Humans as Sensors: Fusion of Participatory Mechanisms and Computational Innovations to Monitor Climate Change and its Consequences"
@Washington, D.C.
15-16 October 2014
Invited Speaker: "Cross-sector Collaboration Opportunities Using Critical Infrastructure Big Data Analytics"
@Fayetteville, NC
14 November 2012
Invited Speaker: "Big Data to Big Insight Decision Engineering: The Art and Science of Human Domain Analysis for Infusing Latent Stability Amidst Dorian Gray Duality"
@Oak Ridge, Tennessee
22 July 2010
Invited Speaker: "Cyber-Physical Supply Chain Provenance/Pedigree and Synchronized Data for a Smarter Grid"
Analytics Workshops Directed
16-27 March 2015 | Co-Director for ICTP "Workshop on Scientific Applications for the Internet of Things (IOT)"
3-7 April 2017 | Co-Director for ICTP Workshop on "Internet of Things for Citizen Science Weather Stations to support Grid Resiliency"
Exemplar Analytics Special Trainings/Briefings
23-29 April 2014 | IBM Special Training for G2
26-28 September 2011 | Special Briefings re: Civil Affairs
Exemplar Conferences Attended
First attended on 22 May 2012 | includes Data and Analytics
First attended on 5 July 2011 | includes Predictive Analytics
First attended October 5-7, 2010 | Defense and Intelligence Solutions; includes Analytics
First attended on 20-23 July 2010 | includes Data and Analytics
Analytics Research Conducted
High Performance Teams: Co-Lead for a multi-university team, which focused upon Political, Military, Economics, Social, Infrastructure, Information (PMESII) Areas, Structures, Capabilities, Organization, People, Events (ASCOPE) tools, techniques, and analytical methodologies for a Public Private Partnership engagement with a governmental organization.
Preservation Systems: Technical Lead for Harvard Team, which collaborated with the Library of Congress on a National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program project with regards to Binary Large OBJects (BLOBs), persistent identifiers, digital preservation system architectures, and the ensuing analysis of large datasets/corpuses.
Geographic Information Systems: Technical Lead for The SmartHyperMap Investigation, which collaborated with the Harvard Research Computing Group and Harvard-MIT Data Center Computing Platform, wherein the focus was spacio-temporal event correlation for more robust analytics.
Spacio-Temporal Analysis: Technical Lead for the Harvard Kennedy School Center for Public Leadership's work on the National Leadership Index (NLI), as pertains to a dynamic heat map functionality for quasi-real-time temporal spatial analysis of the NLI reports.
Exploration and Analysis of Massive Phone Data: Research Advisor, MIT International Development Initiative (IDI) Team, whose focus was on the analysis of massive data and collaborations, such as with overseas colleagues on the Data for Development (D4D) Challenge, which resulted in a Best Visualization Prize.
Design of Software Systems: Research Advisor, an MIT 6.813 User Interface Design and Implementation Team (whose work involved intelligence analytics platforms) and an MIT 6.UAP, whose member received an MIT Award for the Design of Software Systems.
Architecting and Engineering Large-Scale Systems: Appointed as Co-Chief Architect for two High Performance Computing Centers; these explorations led to a better understanding of the need to change computing architectures for Big Data Analytics.
Cyber-Physical Supply Chains: Chief Software Architect within MIT Engineering Systems Division with a focus on exploring next generation geospatial platforms for application to, among other areas, cyber and advanced analytics.
Cyber-Physical Supply Chains: Research Advisor, Fellows within the MIT International Development Group of the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, who were focused upon analysis of data for development.
Analytics: As an IBM Watson Scholar, conducted research on synthetic logic optimization and aberration analysis at the IBM Systems Technology Noise Theory/Modeling Lab and Advanced Thermal Energy Efficiency Lab.
Innovation: While at IBM, conducted analyses of workstream processes and was awarded several IBM Cost Effectiveness Awards and an IBM Functional Employee of the Quarter.
Threat Intelligence: At i2, served as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and conducted threat intelligence machine learning analytics research for i2, as it was being transitioned into IBM. At IBM i2, continued to serve in a CTO role "with distinction and contributed to novel mathematical (e.g. accelerants) and scientific (e.g. network science) approaches for IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook."
Network Science: Served as Director of the IBM Network Science Research Center Team (collaboration with MIT), which conducted Big Data Analytics research and was selected for presentation at the White House.
Resiliency: Served as Director of the IBM Center for Resiliency and Sustainability, which engaged in a variety of Advanced Analytics pilot projects with various governmental organizations.
Sensemaking and Context Computing: Served as an IBM Sensemaking Fellow, IBM Infosphere Sensemaking, IBM Entity Analytics and studied IBM's G2 Sensemaking engine and Context Computing (e.g. entity resolution and entity analytics).
Sensemaking and Watson: While in the IBM International Support Organization (ITSO) Residency Program, focused upon IBM Sensemaking, IBM Watson, IBM's Many Eyes, and the visualization analytics of data as well as facilitated analytics.
Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning: While serving as Chief Strategist, IBM Safer Planet & Smarter Cities Division, IBM Analytics, focused upon programmatic APIs for Watson Analytics and Watson Foundations (a comprehensive, integrated set of Big Data and Analytics capabilities that enables clients to find and capitalize on actionable insights). Research was conducted to couple these capabilities with, among other endeavors, high performance computing architectures, so as to perform analytics on massive data, such as weather patterns.